Deleted Threads by Admin??

I’ve read a lot of threads where folks complain about the Administrators removing entire threads. While I have no reason to disbelieve the Admins might in fact remove threads, I discovered by accident that the OP’s can also delete their thread(s). (I did so last weekend when I discovered my premise of the thread was false.) When I clicked on my self-deleted thread, the “error” prompt I received was that the Admin removed the thread. So there appears a couple paths whereby a thread can be removed from the forum.

Showing 6 responses by oregonpapa

hifiman5 ...

Geeze, I’m sorry I missed your post. The breakdown of our civil society is something I’m very interested in. I have a little bit of a different perspective than most who post here because I’ve lived over a longer time span.

I remember when FDR died. I remember sitting in a movie theater with my cousins (I was 7 years old) when the lights came on. The theater manager took the stage and announced that the Germans had surrendered and the war in Europe had ended. Everyone went nuts with joy.

I remember the panic when the Soviets put Sputnik into space which started the space race ... and unfortunately the Department of Education was started in an effort to "better educate our young people in the arts of engineering."

There have been enormous changes in our society over that time. Some for the better like race relations, and some for the worse, like dependence upon government for subsistence.

I remember the late 50’s and early 60’s when a family man could raise a family and have a comfortable life on one income, while the wife remained home to run the household. That one income was enough to buy a home too. That was before the theft known as inflation and high taxes took over.

Elizabeth started an interesting thread the other day concerning female nudity in advertising, specifically here on A’gon. She found it to be demeaning to women. I concurred. I thought it was an interesting subject because I remember a time before Playboy magazine and "The Pill" started the sexual revolution. That was a time when a man didn’t dare use foul language around women or children in public, or he would be faced by several other men within ear shot telling him in no uncertain terms to clean the language up. I was disappointed to see Elizabeth’s thread removed.

Age has a ton to do with a person’s perspective on civility, that’s for sure.

Oh Gawd! Is it any wonder our society is at each other's throats? Can't we have a simple conversation about societal changes without politics getting involved? 

bdp24 ... I agree with you on Veterans benefits. My first vote went to JFK when I was 21. I haven't missed the polling booths since. During that time, I have voted for every veterans benefit offered. In a 40 year real estate career, I sold countless homes to vets and taught them how to use their housing benefits. Even though these benefits are explained to them when they muster out of the military, so many of them still don't have a clue. Zero down with most of the closing costs paid for them by the seller allowed them to begin the American Dream. :-)

Wait! It can't end yet ... I have to thank you all for the great laugh that put me in a great mood. Comedy always seems to relax me. Now, I'm ready for bed. G'night. :-)


PS: I'm continually pleased and in awe at the intelligence of many who post on this site. The wit and prose keeps me coming back.
Most of my audio friends are "left wingers." Some are radical left wingers. I’m to the right of Darth Vader. As a consequence, I discuss music during listening sessions, except for my friend Robert, who I converted long ago. :-)

What ever you do, if your views are libertarian or conservative, never ... never ... EVER ... enter into a political discussion with Michael Fremer. *lol*

^^^ Bending human nature for the purpose of attaining a political goal, or for transforming society in search of Utopia has never made sense to me. Individual liberty, free markets and free minds does make sense to me.

Believe me, I’ve been called a "radical" right winger so many times it isn’t funny. My response is always the same ... If Thomas Jefferson was a "radical," count me in his camp. :-)
