Deleted Threads by Admin??

I’ve read a lot of threads where folks complain about the Administrators removing entire threads. While I have no reason to disbelieve the Admins might in fact remove threads, I discovered by accident that the OP’s can also delete their thread(s). (I did so last weekend when I discovered my premise of the thread was false.) When I clicked on my self-deleted thread, the “error” prompt I received was that the Admin removed the thread. So there appears a couple paths whereby a thread can be removed from the forum.

Showing 1 response by isochronism

Hifiman5, Perhaps the monitors may feel that your moniker may seem somewhat politically incorrect to some groups or preferences of individuals as they want all to feel welcomed here. It may seem to suggest that only "Hifi" is for"Men". It certainly doesn't appear that way to the majority of us here, as we are a very well rounded group.Alyhough,  to be safe and more politically correct, perhaps if you modify it to something more like ... perhaps.. Hifi-lbgt69 ? Somthing along the those lines. We'll understand. Since as of 2018 there is now the recognision of 63 different gender types!!!