Dehavilland 50A has anyone purchased one?

I see there have been a couple of previous posts regarding the 50A or hearing it at the last RMAF, but has anyone actually purchased the 50A? Any thoughts?

I've talked to Kara about the Aries 845, but due to my rather large listening room she suggested that the 50A has a little more authority in the bass and mid-bass and is equally as sweet. I don't know, there's really something special about those 845 tubes.

Thanks for an opinions or insights...

Showing 2 responses by dpe

Thanks for the advice Sounds_real_audio. The 50A is more rich and textured than the Aries 845? Wow that's saying a lot.

Other than a 50A sighting at RMAF there really has been an adequate review of this amp.
Thanks all...and Lula I hope you will eventually get an answer, although I don't think it will be on this thread.

I apologize for the direction that this thread took. I am appreciative that someone, anyone, took the time to reply to my question.

Shredder, I believe the only complete review I've read, besides the snippets on the DH site, is Garrett Hongo's. I'm somewhat surprise there's not more chatter on Audiogon about the 50A. I believe it has been available for at least a year now.

I was interested in the 50A after reading Roger Gordon's review of the deHavilland Aries 845 and the Merlin VSM-MXe. I have Merlins and I've always loved the sound of the 845, but to reiterate my room is large and even Kara mentioned the Aries 845 may not cut it.

I guess I'll have to make a road trip to Washington and compare the two amps myself.

Again thanks for the advice.