Dedicated Vinyl system next upgrade?

Hi. I love my system. I really do. I love vinyl and listen to vinyl nearly exclusively via “appointment listening”. I do Sometimes stream and listen while I walk or while working but I love just sitting and listening to my stereo. I believe I’ve arrived regarding finally achieving a great set up and have experienced that vinyl “magic” that audiophiles obsess over. I understand that limitations exist and a great stereo will reveal the quality of a recording - good or bad. The law a diminishing returns regarding  upgrading is something I’m mindful of. I don’t have endless funds to spend on upgrades. My question is - what should I consider upgrading next? Should I ditch the integrated amp considering I’m using an external phono stage? Or should I go with a better integrated amp? Or should I look at a better cartridge? Do I upgrade my turntable or just the tonearm? Do I upgrade the power cable on my amp? 
Here’s what I’m currently working with - and thanks for your thoughts/suggestions! 

Clear Audio Concept Turntable
W/ Hana SL cartridge 

Herron Audio VTPH-2a Phono Stage

Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II integrated power amplifier 

Kimber Kable speaker wire and interconnects (I forget which model - an entry lever set - nothing crazy) 

Bowers and Wilkins 805 D3 stand mount loud speakers

Set of two stereo REL S/510 subs


Showing 13 responses by paulgardner

@noromance Thanks I’ll look into upgrading my power cable. What’s the difference between a $40 power cable and a $300 dollar one?
@mulveling Awesome! Yeah I’ve been thinking about upgrading the tonearm to support a higher end cartridge down the line. I also have been getting some subsonic woofer pumping at louder volumes and I suspect the floating magnet tonearm is part of, or even possibly the entire problem. Thanks for your thoughts, much appreciated. 
Great ideas here, Thank you! $40 power cable ordered!
@tomic601 I’ll look into isolation for the Herron and Rogue. That’s a good idea. I have build a makeshift iso platform with butcher block and cork, etc. I do wonder if a proper isolation platform would kill more vibration tho... hmmm. 
@cakids when you say 4 topside fuses, do you mean tubes? If so, I have already rolled the small tubes to a Brimer (preamp position) and Gold Lions for the remaining 4 positions. 
The room is 18’ x 30’ with a high vaulted 18’ ceiling. I do not have any room treatment. This is a tricky area for me. Interior aesthetics are important to me. This is both a living area as well as a listening room. I truly hate the idea of hanging RT panels on the wall. I might be able to live with some corner bass traps but my original goal was to build a system that sounds great without making my home look like a recording studio. I understand this poses huge limitations but that’s the deal. I do have my speakers out and away from the back wall. I have played around with speaker/subs placement as well. Thank you all for the great thoughts/ideas, keep them coming if you want but again, I’m not hanging RT panels from my ceiling.
@tablejockey 👍 totally agree. I think my best bet at this point is to look into finding a cartridge that’s more compliant with my tonearm. Not sure how long the Hana SL will last. Will I hear an audible difference and know?  I’ve had It for about a year and listen on average an hour a day. So I have 300-400 hours of wear on it now. Still sounds amazing!
@oregon some good advice. I’ll likely keep what I’ve got for now and wait until I need to replace my cartridge before doing anything crazy. Thanks for the idea and thought everyone. This forum is great!!!
@mijostyn good to know. Thanks.

@big_greg thanks. Yeah I’ve thought about adding two more subs but I don’t really have the room. Maybe when I move out of my condo. Good call tho!
@tomic601 reference disk Neil Young - After The Gold Rush. I have a few pressings. They all sound great and I don’t know if there’s one singular thing that I doubt. If I had to choose I’d say that I sometimes question the top end. I sometimes feel/hear a brightness that can be off putting or a bit harsh. I’m not sure if this is speaker thing, or a matter of recording or something else? I do know my speakers have a reputation of being of sounding bright. I dunno. Again, there are times when I’m listening and I can’t imagine a better sounding stereo. Then there are other times when I’m slightly annoyed with the top end. The nature of the beast I guess. 
@mijostyn thanks for the thoughts. I am not super technically versed in some of what you said but regarding your comment on upgrading the tonearm to the Zephyr, how do I know it will be compatible with the Concept table? Is this something I can install myself? The Zephyr is roughly the same price as the entire Concept table. Should I be looking at selling the concept table and applying that to an upgraded TT alltogether? 
@jjss49 yeah I know the B&Ws are a bit on the bright side. It really does depend on the recording in regard to how often/troublesome the highs get. 
@drewmb1 thats a good suggestion. I currently have a makeshift or rather homemade isolation table. It’s a combination of butcher block sandwiched with foam and some other stuff. Do you think the “proper” $500-$1000 iso tables are going to do a much better job? I don’t know because I’ve never tried, but I think what I have put together is pretty good. Could probably be better. Maybe that’s the disease talking tho! Ha!
@thehorn thanks for the post! 
Would upgrading the capacitors require me sending the amp in or is that something I could do on my own?

Regarding the tubes - I have already rolled the small tubes to a Brimer NOS and some Gold Lions. These replaced the stock JJs. I have not touched the larger power tubes. I’ve been told those don’t affect the sound as much as the small tubes, more specifically the preamp tube. Thoughts?
Thanks so much!
@williewonka thanks for the post. I have ordered what I’m sure many people here will consider to be an entry lever power cable. I went with the $60 BLE  16mm (10ga.) Hi-End Rhodium Plated Power Cable that a couple people recommended earlier in this thread. I’m sure I will try something from Nordost next. Hopefully the cable I ordered will be better than the stock power cable. We will see! Thanks and yes I agree, lots of great info here. This is a very helpful community. Much appreciated! 
@swann36 ok so I’ve spent some time with the new power cable. I really like it a lot! Best $50 upgrade I’ve ever made. I’m noticing a lower noise floor and a slightly tighter bass. It’s not dramatic but it’s definitely there. I really like your suggestion of replacing one thing at a time. Much easier to know what affect each change has on things. I’m thinking about swapping the power cable on the phono stage next!