Dedicated Stand for a Turntable ? Opinions.

Turntable stand that worked best for you.
What materials do you prefer and why ?
DIY guys are more then welcom to post their opinions.

Showing 1 response by whart

My best experience has been with wall-mounted shelves, given that I typically have to deal with springy floors. I am currently using the Kuzma XL, which given its weight- approximately 177 lbs naked, does not easily mount to any wall I have in my listening room, nor is there a commercial wall shelf to my knowledge that will support it. (finite elemente allegedly made one, but as of about a year ago, that proved to be false).
I am now mounted on a very large, old chinese prayer table and use a large HRS platform beneath the table with some stragetically placed sorbothane 'chunks.' No footfall issues, dead as far as isolation goes. I had the big finite elemente floor stand designed for this table, with the special heavy duty top shelf, but could not overcome footfall problems and got rid of it.

Of course, if I had my druthers, it would be mounted to the wall somehow, but that is virtually impossible given my set-up.