Dedicated Stand for a Turntable ? Opinions.

Turntable stand that worked best for you.
What materials do you prefer and why ?
DIY guys are more then welcom to post their opinions.

Showing 5 responses by mrjstark

Let me clarify.
I am going to modify Lenco 75 turntable. Besides building new plinth that will accommodate 2 phono arms which will be physically detached from the plinth on its own separate isolation platform, I am also going to incorporate a designated stand. I could probably get already finished product from one of a leading turntable stand manufactures, but I'm seriously thinking about building my own stand that will perform comparatively well with commercial stands and look as a part of turntable design ( a simple drawing is in my system- page ).

What building techniques and materials are suitable for such a project?
What difficulties can I encounter during a building process?
Is it worth a trial?
In your experience what design and materials did the trick?

Thank You for your responses.
Really appreciated it. All posts are very interesting. I looked in your systems ( just out of curiosity ) and I have to say all systems look awesome.
In your opinion, what is more important: mass or combination of different materials and techniques.
Listening room is on the top floor with a springy floors.
I don't think my walls are a good candidate for a wall mount neither. Lenco in new plinth will weight about 65 pounds and isolation platform with two phono arm towers will be about 35 pounds.
I am thinking - steel lags, fill-able with sand or other media.
Top and shelves from a sandwich of 3/4inch birch ply, Baltic ply, solid wood and MDF
Can't figure out the best way to connect shelves and top to the support lags. I can have lags fabricated with 3 cross sections at different heights then mount cones with sharp tip facing up and setting shelves on top of them.
Just an idea.
All wood frame houses have some spring action going. What I tried to say is that they are not made of concrete.
Floor in general, is in good shape. I put two layers of 3\4inch. plywood and finish it with hardwood floor.
I am looking for the best way to reduce interaction between floor and tt .
Nice stand Steve. Very clean lines. Cool, solid joints.
I was just wondering, what kind of wood did you use for lags ? Looks like an walnut but I think you used a stain in order to match double ply. shelves. Also did you use a solid peace of wood or a sandwich two pieces for lags?
Looks like two to me.
What is a total weight of a stand?
Thanks for a link and cool pics.
Mariusz Stark.