Dedicated Music Room Recessed Lighting (High Hats)?

The music room is down to studs.  Rewired the entire room and in the process added 7 high hats.  They were to be used to make the room very bright for cleaning, playing with wires etc.  I also have four sconces that will get the old style low wattage Edison bulbs for lighting during listening (as well as a lamp or two).  It did not occur to me that although the "cans" won't be used during music the "cans" may buzz. I've been told this by three audiophiles and a home theater guy.  Two emphatically tell me to "rip them out while you can".  Others have told me just go get the automotive sound deadening sheets (cut and stick on the cans). The room has been insulated with Roxul SAFB (Sound Absorbing Fire Barrier) in batt form 6" in the walls 9" in the ceiling. Does anyone have any experience with cans rattling or buzzing?
Should I rip them out?  Yes I do listen to music very loud at times. Thanks.
Regards, barts  

Showing 1 response by coffee-jerk

From an architect:
I don’t know about physically/mechanically buzzing, but if you have not already done so, wire the cans on their own circuit.  Especially important not to mix LED and incandescent on the same circuit.  Separating the can circuit will allow you to change dimmers, and troubleshoot if you have problems.  Matching the dimmer model to the cans is important to keep them from buzzing or flickering.