Dedicated lines- need break in?

Surely a, stupid question of the day!
Finally had 2X 20 amp dedicated lines installed with Oyaide outlets with isolated grounds. Hooked up sources and preamp to the lines to start with......, and sound is much clearer and as a result slightly on thinner side (in comparison, although still anything but analytical). I know it is not Oyaide outlets because I had them connected on regular lines and they sounded warmer. (I have electrician coming back today to try out different phase than the refrigerator, ac, microwave etc. to check if the current in phase circuit breaker is not causing the change in sound)

So the question is, in your experience, the new 20 amp lines need to be broken in? How long does it need to be? or what could be the cause?



Showing 5 responses by rwwear

[quote]I didn't get 20a for I do not want much more power draw than I already have[quote/]

Your system won't draw more power because it's on a 20amp circuit. It will only use what it needs. If it needed more it would trip the breaker on the 15amp service.
Too open a mind and trash falls in. Be a realist. It seems to me that it takes a very closed mind to believe every tweak and oddball belief that is spread about with a very large shovel by people who lack any understanding of how electricity works. Not believing in Voodoo doesn't automatically make someone have a closed mind.
Be careful running heaters on long extension cords unless they are very heavy duty. A friend burned down his recording studio by leaving a heater running overnight on a lightweight extension cord. It was under a rug which caught fire.