Dedicated line which wire?

Is THHN 10 AWG crap?(the price is great) LAT AC2 is about $700. for 50', JPS ac line is about $900. Anyone know if the sub $50 THHN is a sonic compromise? (would rather spend the extra $650-$850 on recordings or concerts) I've heard that questionable copper purity and the pvc insulation make THHN a poor choice for audio ac .Any other ac line recommendations out there? Anyone know if solid really sounds better than stranded?

Showing 1 response by duanegoosen

THANKS for the spiff responses. Haven't been able to find two conductor twisted solid core 10AWG copper. Have found stranded 8AWG two conductor twisted silver plated copper w/ teflon insulation (don't know if its FEP or TFE). Not sure if the 8AWG will connect to a Hubble 20amp outlet properly tho'.Also would like to know why twisted is better and if stranded is okay. The proposed 20amp ac line will only be for one (2 plug) outlet for a Coda 11 (100/100 pure class a) and a Classe cdp.5. Not sure if an 8' buried isolated ground rod can safely eliminate the need to share a ground w/ all the other circuits on the breaker box. If the 8AWG is(safe) overkill that's okay, eliminating the AC as a potentially weak link will be a big relief....hmmm, do fuses really sound better than breakers?