Hi Whart. Correct polarity testing is done with an item as cheap as $10-$15; I haven't met an electrician w/o one. What did the inspector in Austin say?
Don't want to dampen the enthusiasm for dedicated lines; but all power in the house is connected, wih outside and inside contamination. Kind of like the water supply and your various taps. If you want clean water out of one tap-what would you do? Remember, the water supply from outside is "not"clean.
Jea48. The reason Lacee might want to-and "might" benefit from -30 amp breakers is for the same reason Shunyata is focusing on transient current speed and steepness of the waveform. I appreciate you are absolutely correct; but a "fat feed" to some type of protected power conditioner may have the benefit of passing more voltage/current faster. (I appreciate the code rules. I'm talking hypothetically here- not encouraging anyone to burn down the house.
dave 33 from may 17. What conditioner were you using. I believe most are not that good so I appreciate your opinion. But, some conditioners are hot/swell/great.
Congratulations and happy listening. I too used 10 gauge and like it. I think Shunyatas work on dynamic transient power shows the value of the reduced impedance.
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