Dedicated CD Transport vs DAC


Just some honest questions...

In your opinion, based on what you have actually experienced....

1)  Which accounts for the most sonic improvement?  A quality dedicated CD Transport or a Quality DAC?

2)  If a person could assign a percentage... by what % did your cd transport improve your sound?  By what % did your new dac improve your sound?

3)  If you honestly gained an improvement in sound... was it like, " Oh my God, I can't believe how great this improvement is " or is it more like, " I can hear an improvement but no wheres nearly commensurate with the increase in price it cost me."

Coming from being highly invested in vinyl playback for the last 50 years... I'm struggling trying to decide how to improve the cd playback side of my system.

Up to this point in time, I've usually found cd playback to oftentimes sound hard, glaring, sterile, two dimensional, etc.

Which in your mind, helps to eliminate the above sound qualities that I dislike?  A new dedicated cd transport or a new dac?

Thanks much for taking the time to reply and help me better understand!

Best wishes,




What I would think is if you already have a high quality external Dac, why pay for another Dac that is probably has some restrictions or at least design/ cost considerations built in with a new CD player.

Transports are very basic to me. Once you get a decent one in the $3000 range you should be all set. The rest of your sound is all in the DAC.

I sense the future for Digital, as the new holy grail to be discovered, is the consistent accuracy of the Master Clock being used.

This is an area where a commercial entity has already made an impact with add on devices to be used in the Signal Path of a Digital Source. As a surmise, the ass on device in the digital signal path, is possibly becoming a similar supporting device as a Phonostage is to a Cartridge.

A Master Clock is pretty much a design to produce a Crystal Oscillation for a Chip at 10MHz, where there is a need for an optimised environment to operate the Chip to  be able to consistently function at the 10MHz Frequency.

This lends itself to both commercial designs such as OXCO (Most Common used in the Models being discussed) or DOXCO ( Not too sure if this is used in a Branded Audio Device at present) Not many Brands are making a point of showing which method is used to control the Environment the Chip is working in.

The next area for creating the ideal environment is DIY, there are some interesting methods being adopted, to produce an improved OXCO or even a DOXCO equivalent. As well as treat unwanted energy transferral from the Ambient Environment within the listening room, that can be detrimental to the Crystal Oscillation. 

I can easily see myself becoming a proponent of methods being used and happily adopt the ideas being used by the DIY designs.    

31,100 LPs and 16,100 CDs. Like both formats. Upgraded from a $500 Topping D70s DAC to a $25,000 Lampizator Poseidon at 70X the price. About 20%+ better in openness, separation, dynamics, etc.). Sonically, not that far apart.

Jay’s Audio $5K CDt3 Mk3 transport Best friend is using his Topping above with a Schitt Urg at $1,200. Very impressive.

I tried many CD players under $5K. Not comparable. Maybe there are equally good CD players but at higher prices as well.

Unfortunately, I found out 25+ years later that digital reproduction at my analog level costs about the same or more.

Both are critical. For ~ 3 years I had a Audiolab 6000CDT (MSRP $599) which I THOUGHT I WAS HAPPY WITH- except for missing bass, but I only paid $300 used. It was connected to my Audio Alchemy DDP-1+ PS 5. Eventually I thought about either upgrading the DCA/Pre or replacing the CDT. Thankfully, I opted to replace the transport with a Shanling ET3 ($729): it exposed great sound hiding in my DAC/Pre. In a word THRILLED

The dac in my Denon DCD-1700NE sacd player is pretty good. I had tried running it through my Gustard R26 dac via a coaxial digital connection. I tended to prefer the dac in the Denon. I have several digital cables (XLO Ultra, Harmonic Technology, Morrow). On a whim, I bought an Acoustic Zen mc2 coaxial cable.  I didn't expect much, but I found a used cable for a good price.  With this cable, the sq is very close to streaming. I had considered buying a dedicated transport, but I don't think I'll bother now. If I do, it would be something like the Shanling with a USB digital output. I can rip cds with my Innuos Zen Mk3, so having the ultimate cd player is not a huge priority.