Dedicated 20a lines, 125 feet distance, which gauge wire to run?

Want to set up 4x dedicated 20-amp lines for my hifi system. The distance from the outlets to the breaker box is about 125 feet. What wires should I use? 10, 8, or 6 gauge? And should they be solid or stranded? If you could be as specific as possible that would be appreciated (brands, links, etc), as I am out of my depth here. The wire will need to run underground for a good portion, and then into craw space, if that makes any difference.
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Showing 1 response by curiousjim

Where I live it’s illegal to run the four separate lines, so I’d run a 220 line to a sub panel and then run my separate lines from there. It’s also much easier and safer that way.

All the best