Decware ZTPRE v2

Hi there, 

I'm curious if anyone has experience with the Decware ZTPRE v2. I have a Parasound JC2BP Preamp which has balanced in/outs. It's very clean sounding and I have no complaints, but I'd like to try a pre with Tubes, I also have Decware ZMA on order at the same time so thinking the two would pair well together. 

Here is my current setup and I will be swapping the Parasound with the Decware and Quads with a Decware ZMA. My goal is to have balanced throughout the chain with tube amps and preamps.

  • VPI Classic 2 Turntable
  • Technics 1200G Turntable
  • McIntosh MP1100 Phono Pre
  • Parasound JC2 Preamp
  • Eversolo DMP-A8 Streamer/DAC
  • McIntosh MQ112 EQ
  • Quad Jubilee Mono Blocks 35W
  • Altec Lansing Model 19 speakers
  • REL 212/SE Subs
  • Nexus Power Conditioner

Sorry, no experience with those Decware products, have owned lots of other product from them and it should be awesome.  Altec Lansing with 101db efficiency.  You must have land around you, because that is going to be really loud.

Have a blast.

Thanks! Yes its overkill for the Altec's but I wanted an Amp that would give me more flexibility if I swap out the speakers in the future. 

I have one on order but have not heard one, plus the 2+ year wait. Another preamp on my list is an Atma-Sphere MP-3, check it out, excellent company, love their philosophy, seems like they have the perfect balance between objective measurements and subjective experience. 

Nice! I'm about 6 months out in the queue for both items. I'll check out the Atma-Sphere MP-3. Thanks for the recommendation.