That does help. I've had the Forte's for five years and found great improvement when I upgraded the crossovers. They are very revealing of any problems upstream. There are times when they sound a tad bright but this has just as much to do with the recording. I don't have much first hand comparison with other speakers but I'll say this - when I have my musician friends over for a listening session, they shake their heads in disbelief. I bought these speakers for $500 and put another $500 into them with the upgraded crossovers and Audiopoints brass spikes. I can't imagine finding a better sounding speaker for this amount of scratch.
Here's my dilemma - I am very happy with the Quicksilver mono's. Reliable, simple design, and inexpensive initial investment. Fun to tube roll. I heard a rumor that the designer, Mike Sanders, voices some of his amps through the Klipsch Forte's. Not sure if this is true but I can believe it. Anyway, there's great synergy except at low volume listening. My curiosity has me wondering if Decware will fill the void and give me the late night "out of body" experience, as well as the live concert sound that I get with the Quickies.
I'll let you know where I go with this. Goin out on the Moots now to enjoy the spring weather.