Decware CSP2 +

How good is this as a preamp? How does it compare with much more expensive units? My most recent active tube linestages have been CAT SL1, Joule LA-150MKII SE, and Dodd. Does it compete in that league? If not, how so? The fact I can use it as a headphone amp is just icing on the cake. My current reference is the Lightspeed Attenuator, but I want an RCA-based tube linestage to throw in the mix. This is for a single source CD system.

Showing 3 responses by dhcod

Hi Pubul- Did you ever purchase one of these? I also have an LDR preamp but as you stated, love the idea of a Headphone Amp/Pre combo.
I think he has a money back if you don't like it deal (less 10%) so I may give it a shot. I don't want to lose the transparency of the LDR, nor the black backgrounds but I must say the LDR does have the drawback of not being very linear in it's volume levels across the dial. And I find that there are about 4 spots on the dial that it sounds its best.