Decware and SET Low Power Tube Amps with Hi Efficency Speakers

Good morning folks,
In my never ending search for a new concept in music involving and primarily focused on "tube" sound I came across Decware.
So does anyone have either experience or an opinion on the products and especially the sound. Speakers I am considering among others but most likely to be Tekton Designs, Lores or possibly Pendragons.
Without digressing into a myriad of other conversations what does the forum think?

I’m new to tube amps having used only SS in a vintage 70s Pioneer spec system I’ve been ruining for a long time.  I held out upgrading to anything new or better telling myself at this point in the game my ears are too shot to benefit upgrading to new and better but, finally caved and purchased a pair of Klipsch CW IVs and a cheap low power Chinese tube amp to use as a placeholder while I learned more about tube amps. 

I understand lots of people pair the CWs with 2-3 watt amps with what they consider stellar results. In the guitar amp world there is usually a sweet spot you need to be running the tubes at even if running a clean sound (no desired distortion) so often times even for live performance players will use attenuators between the amp and speaker to drive the tubes but keep the volume down. 
Does this analogy hold with stereo amps so there is an optimum volume setting that is needed to drive the speakers for a better sound so a higher powered tube amp becomes detrimental to sound because the volume needs to be incrementally higher to achieve the sweet spot? Or, is it the opposite with stereo amps which by design, more watts just equals more volume and too much power is like using a Ferrari as a commuter car that you can never get above 35mph.  
Any links to articles or other would be greatly appreciated but I’m in a bit of information overload having been reading and watching YouTube videos on low watt tube amps so anyone with CWs and their experience would help. As an FYI, I’m primarily a vinyl classic rock loud volume listener.  Thanks
Would like to hear from anyone who owns both decware amp and speakers.  Seems like a very good value option for those interested in an affordable set amp System. 
I was also looking at Decware.  Steve Deckert emailed me the following but I have not had a chance for a call due to work schedule this week.  
From Steve D:The most popular pairing with the Cornwall has been the SE84UFO and SE34I.5, 2 and 5 watt single-ended-triode amplifiers.
I used to run a pair of Tekton Lores with my Decware SE84UFO2. I thought the combo was great until I upgraded to a pair of Omega Super Alnico High Output XRS towers and realized what I’d been missing with the Tektons. I think the little 2wpc Decware really needs a crossoverless speaker to live up to its full potential. I also have a 20wpc Decware Torii Jr, and this would probably be a better fit for Tektons. I actually prefer the SE84UFO2 to the Torii Jr in my system; it just sounds so real and natural. The Torii Jr is more forward and exciting, but I’m always aware that I’m listening to a recording.
Tekton makes wonderful speakers that are quite efficient, however you may want to look at the reviews in Stereophile.  Specifically the measurements as there is sometimes a gap between the published efficiency and the measured efficiency. The Pendragons have a published efficiency of 95dB.  If the actual efficiency is a hair lower, this would impact your amp choice.  There is a massive difference In headroom between 2w and 5w in this scenario.  
I have never heard a Decware amp.  I don’t know their line but will offer this advice.  
I sell a different line of SETs from Art Audio.  With Tekton speakers, we tend to recommend  amps with a hair more power and typically steer customers toward my Elise or Carissa which are 16w or 18w SETs respectively for the reason stated.  I have a hunch you will be disappointed with the amount of headroom available with any amp under about 10w with the Pendragons.