Decoupling for Cornwall IV's

Any experience with Herbie's Giant Fat Gliders or any similar isolation/anti-vibration products for Klipsch Cornwall IV's?

Showing 2 responses by jbhiller

@jayrossi13 ,  are you using these on Cornwall IVs?  I thought Klipsch recommends keeping a full flat surface on the speakers.  If you like them, regardless, I may try them. 

I used Subdude giant subwoofer isolation pads on my Forte IIIs.  They are too small for the Cornwall IVs.  I loved them, and wish I could find them in a larger size. 
Guys, FYI

The larger Auralex Subdude does fit under the platform of the CWIV.  It's left to right measurement "appears" to be about 1" shy of ideal--but when I looked at the CWIV bottom platform base, it is made of 3/4" plywood/MDF, which means you pick up 1.5" left to right.  

So, I have mine on these platforms now.