Decent SACD?

Guys, thinking to buy a first for me 'new format' source... Heard of some cheap ones, not very good things; about pretty expensive ones - they're too expensive yet :)
Are there any decent, recommended SACD (or DVD-A) players in range of $1500 - $2500, that also would be capable of really good CD playing?

Showing 2 responses by sogood51

I have a Sony XA-777es sacd player thats pretty good redbook player (I never feel like I'm missing anything). It's sacd playback is one of the best. It can be had in your price range. It also does sacd multichannel as good as any.

The Sony won't be outperformed by any dedicated player I have listened to at its $2,000 (New) price point. But...I say that because I like it's laidback sound, if you like a player that is forward sounding then those players are on the market also. All players at your price point should sound very good no matter what you play on them but in the end it is always best to let your own ears be the judge.
