Debating Full-Range

I've always been an advocate of speakers that can handle the entire frequency spectrum. I figure if I am to spend multiple $k's on a set of speakers, they damn well better be big, go deep, and play loud enough to fill my room.

Recently I've been looking at speakers such as the Bohlender-Graebener Radia 520's. I'm wondering if such a speaker with its limited ability to produce any more low frequencies than a mini-monitor could possibly impress me enough to go to the trouble of integrating a couple subwoofers and make a good HT system that is near seamless when it handles music as well.....

This is for a second system. 80% HT.

Any thoughts, or particular experience with these speakers>?

Showing 1 response by sogood51

If you like what the Radia's do and you also want very deep tight bass then I would look in the Vmps line. They are the best of both worlds at very good prices with lots of options to pick from in many price ranges. I have a pair of Apogee centaur minors with 30 inch ribbons, They only have one 6 inch bass driver (no deep bass) but are a joy to listen to on most music (they won't rock). You need a very fast sub if you go with these types of speakers or bass lines will smear what you gain in mids, my large sub is great for hometheater but to slow for my apogees which are in my second system, I tried it for a while at one time and liked it at first but after much listening thought it a downgrade to their liquid mids, (15 and 12 inch drivers)as it was two slow.