Dead Can Dance on SACD

For any Dead Can Dance fans, their catalog is being released on SACD in July.

Showing 10 responses by jorgeparrapuppy

I can't wait either. Those guys already have excellent
recordings. Lisa and Brendan: Count me in!
Tom: Did you have a chance to give these a whirl?
Opinions? I plan on getting mine tonight if the local
FYE has them.
I went to 5 different places locally yesterday:
Best Buy
Barnes & Noble
Target. We need Tower back desperately!
Batted zero. Struck out. Nada.
So I went online and ordered from from idealcopy.
Their 9 set is $159, but their boxed set, as above,
is $300.00. Yowzah!
so much alluring mystery around these cds.
i think tower would've been on top of their game.
but what's the point now? boo hoo hoooo.
Yo, Synthfreek: I wasn't looking for the box set, either one of them, though i bought the standard 9 set from idealcopy after striking out big time. I was really only
looking for 3 or 4 titles and i would've been fine. But, yeah, i can see the humor in that!!! That's how we rabid DCD fans roll!
Bring back Tower! Bring back Tower!!!!!!!!
Into the Labyrinth and Toward the Within are outstanding!
I can't wait for the mailman!
As much as I love DCD, i hated the packaging, and I'm hoping I'm not the only one, because i'm feeling a bit whiny. Here's why:
What's with the sticky outer sleeve? It gets in the way of putting everything back inside. What gives man?
I ended up taking out all the CDs from their (very meticulous) sleeves and putting them in a disc binder.
The cardboard stuff went into a ziploc baggie.
By the time you put it back into its sleeve, 10 mins. have passed and you're no longer in the mood to listen to another one. too much work.
:( Great music, PITA packaging.
I rushed in to listen to Into the Labyrinth and Towards the Within, of course. Im stupefied. They sound indescribably good! I heard the 4 (or 5) song EP: :(
Sounds like crap. ..........6 more to go.