DCS Sending Legal Notice To Reviewer (Golden Sound) Over an Old Review of Their Bartok DAC

I saw this You Tube video which was posted by Headphones.com which at the beginning talked about the site taking the side of Golden Sound (GS) & then GS himself going through the details of what happened (his side of the story).


While I am not taking any sides until DCS comes out with their story publicly. While we all are aware that many times companies force reviewers to remove the criticism of their products by employing different ways. But what should be the way forward about the reviews for reviewers and companies?

Can we as the end consumers and as a community come-up with the framework around reviews?





I don’t believe that DCS is being “driven to the ground” and (having some exposure to the company) do believe David’s explanation that the DCS USA employee acted independently and was indeed fired for these transgressions. The quality of the products speak for themselves.

I’m inclined to agree. It’s rather interesting how a vocal few have treated this as something approaching an international crisis. I suspect few of them were potential DCS customers anyway.


Cameron, I have 35 years of high profile litigation experience in the defamation area and I’ll defend you for free.

What are you going to defend him against? There is no lawsuit. It's just a tempest in a teapot.

I'm not sure how many people who might say "well that's dCS off my list" ever had dCS on their list... I am delighted with the sound quality my aging Puccini + U-Clock continue to deliver and will upgrade to the Rossini when funds allow. Hey, as a result of this controversy, secondhand prices may tank and bring that moment forward!

Whatever the internal deliberations and whether it was a "rogue" employee overstepping the mark or not, dCS hardly comes out of this smelling of roses. However, the reviewer in question thrives on clicks and has proven himself a master of exploiting the situation in a way which massively boosts those.

It's a storm in a teacup, but one which dCS will feel the ripples of for some time. That's a shame for a company with a strong heritage and a track record of pushing the boundaries of digital playback.

This just isnt that big of a deal but I've enjoyed the popcorn. 


MoFi CEO to his/her Assistant: "Hey, remind me to send a thank you note to the dude who used to work for DCS!"

Belated apologies to @cleeds as I appear to have been channeling him without acknowledging the same!