dCS Network Bridge - still worth considering?

This is now a legacy product from dCS - buy many are saying that as a streamer it's working and will continue to work fine for many years to come.

I'm looking for the finest streamer for around the money of a used dCS network bridge - I know it's not as flexible as modern streamers but I am looking for 'race tuned' sound quality from SPDIF to DAC - and I only stream from Qobuz - therefore functionality and flexibility comes second after sound.

Anyone still using one? I've been told from a couple of dealers that the SPDIF from the dCS bridge is better than the Auralic G2.1 - so what are your experiences?





Thanks for the wise advice - I get where you are coming from.

Albeit that the dCS Network Bridge is supposed to be an exceptional streamer of the highest calibre - this is the tempting proposition.

I have a few DACs kicking around and like experimenting with each of them - knowing that my front end is just about as good as it gets is reassuring when trying these DACs out.



My opinions:

The dealer wants to sell you the dCS.

I would not buy a digital product whose manufacturer has abandoned the entire category. Check the Web; see if people are having complaints about support. I’ve seen a few.

I have not heard every streamer, but I’d rather have an Auralic Aries G1 or G2.1 than a discontinued dCS. I am very familiar with the G1 and think it’s excellent, both in sound quality and in features. It has more of a future than the dCS -- Auralic has offered trade-in discounts, and they continually improve the product and sometimes even add features through free firmware updates.

If you are not using an Auralic G2.x DAC, it's unclear whether the Aries G2.x offers any improvement over the G1. Other than pride of ownership, of course.

Today, it’s just Qobuz for you. Tomorrow, you might change.

No one (not even you) can guarantee what you’ll be happy with. Besides everything else, there’s some luck involved in making the right choice. Good luck to you!