dCS Bartok Apex vs any similar priced DAC

I’m about to upgrade my system from scratch, the speakers will be ATC SCM50ASL Classic active. I don’t have any records, digital rips only on my Innuos Zen MINI & LPSU. 

The dCS Bartok Apex direct into the active ATC is where I want to go. Any opinions about any better matched DAC / DAC streamer/preamp combo that’s better matched to the ATC ?


Thinking WEISS 501, Esoteric N-05 XD, Chord DAVE



Showing 1 response by kerrybh

I have the Dcs Bartok apex and have been very satisfied 

I upgraded my Bartok to Apex version and found the improvement significant 

I have Sonus Faber Il Cremonese speakers and the Bartok East Apex has been a very satisfying match

there are undoubtedly a lot of great choices in this price range- hard to go wrong -but I think you will be very satisfied with the Bartok Apex