DCM Time Window 7 - AMP & PREAMP

I’ve Found out that I’m the owner of 1 of only 200 pairs of DCM TW7 speakers ever made.
I am running 2 Carver A500x amps in mono block mode into these speakers. The speakers are rated at 700W max into 4 ohm. The Carvers in Mono Mode are 800W.

My question is …does anyone else have these speakers and what kind of amp are you using, and what are your thoughts on the DCM Time Window 7?
And to the Tube AMP experts I ask, how many watts would be appropriate for these speakers? They are efficient at 92DB, but they're still power hungry.

I am thinking of introducing a Tube PreAmp into my system and take the Denon out…any suggestions for something under 1k?

My system:
Denon AVR 3300, Emotiva XDA-1, Rotel 991 AE, (2x) Carver A 500x, DCM Time Window 7.


Showing 6 responses by dfgkali

Hifihvn, I did some testing. for starter the THX gain on the back is set to 50%. I turned off the MONO mode but still left the connection in bridge mode style (speakers connected to the positive posts only)...all its happening is the sounds level drops by about 5 clicks on the volume. Right now I've left the Mono button off and am going to listen to it like this for a while.

I dont know about pushing the Amps hard, but these speakers have a thermal light bulb fuse and I've had it kick in and cut off the highs. essentially these speakers are great for listening and running loud, but they are in no way shape or form a party speaker. That thermal protection kicks in llike a tax auditor and shuts it down. I've been thinking about switching over to Tube, but a 100wpc tube amp will set me back 2K at the absolute least for an entry level amp. I guess for now I have to find a tube preamp first.

Johnnyb53, I checked out those Heatkits...eh too vintage. I've been thinking about Emotiva's XPA1's, their Flagship monoblocks.
when I first put my system together I had full matching set, all Carver gear. my Pre and CD broke and had to return them. I've been foundling w/the idea of going all out and getting Full Emotiva set, but the curiosity of Tube sound is stopping me.
Hifihvn, thank you for all the information you've provided. I understand your logic and make sense to me. I've for now left the amp in non bridge mode and am enjoying it the same. going through some more CD's.
My next smaller system will be all Tube, and by small I mean monitor speakers and possibly an integrated Tube amp vs. separates, but class A/B for sure. I will be introducing a Tube Pre. to this system sometimes this year.
I like..make that love these speakers, and wouldn't want to do anything to harm them.

Thank you again for the information.
Okey all this is very good stuff...learning more than I had bargained for. So mg next question is : what is this DB rating that speakers come With. What am I being told that a speaker with 92 DB is better than a speaker with 87db?
Thanks Hifihvn ...very cool and informative stuff :-)

Everyone have a Merry Christmas
DCMlover - how appropriate! you gotta send me a couple of pictures of the lineup.

How much would they be worth to you? I know 2 people who have a pair all 3 of us bought them together, I accidentally discovered them and everyone followed me.

Give me a number, I honestly don't know, I know I wouldn't sell my set for a penny less than a ridiculous amount! after all as you very well know there were only 200 pairs ever made and they're all paired with each other.

email me a picture/Direct to