DbPoweramp Rip

Hello experts

I have been using DbPoweramp to rip about 600 CDs (have many more to go).

When I play the FLAC version on my DAC it shows incoming sampling frequency

is 44KHZ. I am wondering if my rip setting is correct before ripping more or rerip

the CDs for higher sampling rate.

Thanks in advance for your help and happy holidays


Showing 1 response by gdhal

When I play the FLAC version on my DAC it shows incoming sampling frequency is 44KHZ. I am wondering if my rip setting is correct before ripping more or rerip the CDs for higher sampling rate.

As djohnson54 stated you're fine from a sampling rate perspective. However, this isn't *necessarily* the only rip setting to be concerned about. I'm not sure about DbPoweramp because I haven't used it. Instead, I use Exact Audio Copy. Ripping is performed in secure mode. I don't think (not sure) DbPoweramp does anything more than "burst" mode. Point is, if you rip the disk at say 16X you're using burst mode and prone to errors; certainly more than if you use secure mode which re-reads the disk (in the spots it needs to). The downside of this is that the entire process takes much longer.