Day amp arrives Cashier check returned

Today an amp I shipped across the country arrived safely at it's destination. Oddly enogh while I was at the bank today I was informed that a rather large cashier's check did not clear.

I called the guy up and he answered the phone (good sign) He say's he does not understand what could have happened and will check in to it first thing in the mourning.

My bank say's he may have stopped payment on the cashiers check. They could not give me any other details. Just that I would be recieving the check back in the mail in a few day's

Does this kind of stuff ever turn out good? Or am I screwed?

I will follow up tomorrow.

Showing 1 response by hiwaves

The buyer has 72 hours from the date of issue to stop-payment on a cashiers check. Sounds like he stopped payment before he received your amplifier.

In other words his lack of knowledge is bogus. Perhaps he intends to make good on the check now that he has the amp. If not, request in writing that he return the amp to you

Also contact the District Attorney in his area and explain that this is not only a breach of contract issue but it is also a fraud, both state and federal(i.e., there is an intent to defraud if he keeps the amp and refuses to pay).

Keep the original cashiers check, don't return it to the buyer or hand it over to authorities, they will accept photo copies.

Consider retaining an attorney in the buyers area to file suit against the buyer. Raise hell, you'll get results.