DAW vs Alexia 1 vs Sasha 2, descending order of $$

Having recently heard the DAW, and Alexia 2, they are very close in performance the $$ suggest the DAW is a great value. I have Sophia 1 Wilson offers a generous trade in program, that said its still a lot of money, so my thinking has been to just get the DAW (my heart, my head says get the Alexia 1 CPO or Sasha 2 CPO) Not being independently wealthy, getting Either the Alexia 1 or Sasha 2 seem like sound choices, and trade up again later a couple years from now. My question is would you spend 10k more to get the DAW and stretch a little to make it happen or buy the lesser siblings and trade up in a few years?

Compared to my Sohpie 1s.

What would you do with the given choices.
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Showing 2 responses by arty_vandelay

I've heard the original Alexia's bass sound terrible in the wrong rooms but very close to perfect in the right room, which left me with the impression that they're more room fussy than average. I haven't heard the DAW but from all reports they're close to Alexia 2 in performance in a more compact enclosure. And having heard Alexia 2, that performance is currently the benchmark for 3-way domestic speakers imo. 

From Stereophile measurements, Alexia1 dips to 2 ohms around 80-90 Hz and Alexia2 to 2.6  ohms in the same range, so not a huge difference. Both are sufficiently challenging, but still a walk in the park for any well designed solid state amp with a price tag to match an Alexia.