Darwin Cables still in business ?

Do you know if Darwin Cables still in business?
I saw on their website that they have not updated the stocks available since 20.08.2020. So for 1 year ...
I sent several emails and no one answered me ...I want to buy more products from them, and I have no one to talk to.
It seems that no one takes care of this company anymore ...

Showing 1 response by bill18018

Hello Millercarbon and Holmz,

My name is Bill, I am one of the founders of Darwin Cables.  When Tony suggested the name "Darwin Cables" my first thought was, "The Ultimate Evolution of Sound".  Little did I know, Darwin was actually a dog owned by one of Tony's friends.  At one point we printed up some T-Shirts with a dozen religious audio related puns.  As soon as we stopped laughing, coincidentally about the same time we sobered up, we realized the shirts might be sacrilegious and a wee bit offensive to some folks.  Welcome to life in modern America where comedy takes a back seat.  We think of those shirts as our original Beatles Butcher album art.

Humor is appreciated here!

Best regards...Bill