Dartzeel amp lives up to hype

I purchased a fully broken in Dartzeel about a week ago to drive the Von Schweikert VR-7SE. I was concerned about the 100w power rating and was put to ease when I switched it on. Powerful tight bass and the sweetest midrange and delicate highs one could hope for. Transparency is way ahead of all other amps I've had. Definitely lives up to the reviews.

Showing 2 responses by jond

Sounds good Snook, but you should post your system with some pics so we can all drool. Happy listening!
I really think that hearsay proclomations about the performance or reliability of a product that the poster hasn't actually heard, reflects worse on the poster than on the product. Let's remember that in the end you're talking about someone's livelihood here, and negative comments that have no credible basis in fact can be really harmful even if not intended that way. I have never heard a Dart product nor do I know anyone associated with the company or its distribution, and really my comments can apply to any number of threads and posters. Sometimes I wish that we could all think twice before hitting that submit button.