Dallas Texas High End?

Will be in Texas next week and was wandering if there where any shops near Dallas to check out? Not sure I will have enough time to shop, dream, etc. but might as well have a plan just in case. Thanks for any input.

Showing 1 response by ohlala

Thsalmon beat me to it. Audio Insight and Audio Concepts are also at the top of my list. Both have nice stuff, and good listening rooms, although i get do mixed treatment at Audio Concepts, but hat maybe because I am young. Hillcrest HiFi is mostly Home Theater, and they do have the worst listening rooms ever. For sort of a sideshow experience you could go to Tweeter Etc. on Park and 75. You can stroll by their Car Stereo room as you head towards the the rooms featuring Martin Logan and Vienna Acoustics and Sanus Faber all powered by nothing less than B&K, and all sharing rackspace with a Bose CD player thing (with a sold sign on it). It is Las Vegas surreal. Have fun in the Big D.