Dahlquist DQ10

New user, first post. I don't consider myself an audiophile...haha.  I have the opportunity to purchase a set of DQ 10's @ $375 for the pair.  Been on the 'Google' researching but figured I'd just get some new info here.  Is this a good deal?  They have been re-foamed but no tweaking of the electronics.  Seller says they have not been used much.  Will my Yamaha RX V677  7.1 SS receiver have sufficient power for these if used in 2 channel mode?  I find conflicting opinions about this.  I remember these when they first came out in the 70's and the reviews were fantastic.  Just wonder if they still compare to today's speakers.  Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by yogiboy

Many moons ago I owned the DQ10. I used a 200 watt Forte amp and the combination was outstanding. I think the DQ10 would compete with any speaker made today. BTW, it is listed number 6 of the most significant speakers of all time!

I doubt that you will need a sub with them. Those Advent woofers in the DQ 10s have a nice tight bass!