Daedalus Ulysses

I would like to hear comments from past or present owners or those familiar with Daedalus Ulysses speakers.
I own the Ulysses V2 after owning the Wilson Sophia 1. I found these both to have very similar characteristics in their sound: balanced, high clarity and transparency, great sound staging. But the Daedalus had a greater "presence" and realism that was immediately apparent. I think that they really deliver on the "holographic" or "3D" aspect of sound that they claim to have. A clear winner for me. 
Thanks facten, see that’s my concern; they demo with their subs and I really don’t want to deal with subs. My biggest concern is low end performance which I can only barely grasp through youtube videos which I know are lacking. I really like the realism of the Daedalus sound though.
Saw the Studio Muse in one of the standard size rooms at CAF. Really sounded good. Not sure what it was paired with. Have to go back and look at my notes. The larger room down stairs which had the Apollo’s in it was not as impressive as the Studio Muse room. Could have been the room for sure. It was a lot of space to pressurize. 
@szelda53 Interesting--the Apollo 11 and the Studio Muse both have the same Daedalus house sound but present the music a little differently due to the driver configurations. The Apollo 11 is meant for larger rooms (obviously--bigger speaker) and will perform very well in open floorplans where a wide sweetspot may be preferred. The Studio Muse (and the larger Apollo with the same driver configuration) offer a different presentation with more focused imaging in a smaller sweet spot. I first heard the original Muse at CAF a few years ago and fell in love with the way the clustered driver array presented such a coherent sound with very realistic image size and location. When Lou came out with the larger Apollo with the same driver array I just had to have them. If I had a large, open space I'd have gone for the Apollo 11's, which present more similar to the way my DA-1.1s did. But with a small room and my listening chair not too far from the speakers the clustered array really is spectacular.
I wrote a detailed review on the Ulysses here on audiogon


I love them - they are so natural and just let the music flow.

Lou is currently building me a pair of Apollo 11s.

I flew up to Washington state and Lou spent time with me in his shop and I was very taken with the sound and such a wonderful experience, thank you.

You can visit Fenrdale, WA between Seattle and Vancouver - great place for whale watching

or you can check out the shows Lou does on the Daedalus page on audiocircle and also for the possible opportunity to hear the speakers in someones home.

all the best