DACs with Preamp Stages, Pt 2

First, I’d like to thank everyone who responded to my last post on DACS that do well without a preamp (https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/dacs-that-do-well-without-a-preamp?utm_source=sendgrid&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=website)  

The responses led me to consider several DACs I had not originally had on my radar, particularly RME-ADI 2 FS,  soekris 1541, Bel Canto e.One  2.7, and Hegel HD30.  

Recently, I also had a chance to hear a used Auralic Vega DAC, and thought it sounded very good, especially at  a price point of ~$1200. Since this is the least up-to-date of the DACS I’m considering, I do wonder if it makes sense to buy a DAC from 2014, when there has reportedly been so much change since then. Am I likely to find noticeable improvement with any of the DACs above?


Showing 1 response by oddiofyl

I have the RME and while I really wasn't a fan of it driving my amp direct, it does have several output settings to achieve the correct gain.  Still it wasn't a great match with my amp(s)    

The RME has a setting called Auto Reference for the volume.  It uses a combination of software and hardware to handle volume.  There is a table in the manual that references the dBu scale relative to voltage output.   

-5db outputs 1v ,  all the way up to +13dB  which is over 3 volts at "0" ref volume