DACs with a budget of $800

Hey All, 

I am considering getting a stand alone DAC for my digital streaming. My system as it stands now sounds a little forward to me. Soundstage depth is lacking. Separation, width and height appear appropriate, as does image density. I am currently running a Bluesound node 2 streamer in my main system. The rest of my system is as follows:

TV, JA Michele Gyrodec, Bluesound Node 2

Red Dragon Audio M1000 Mk I monoblocks and sometimes I switch in my Anthem MCA 20

Blue Circle 21.1

Spacial Audio M3 turbo s
GMA Continuum I's
Anthony Gallo Reference 3.1
Maggie MMG's
Paradigm Monitor Sub 12 (stereo pair)

as I said I am really looking for some depth and "air" in my sound stage but also highly value impact, extended sparkle on the top end, and punch.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. 

A little over your budget at $1099. The RME ADI 2-DAC. Made in Germany. The company has been around for 20 years building various components for professional studios. It's also a high end Headphone & IEM unit. Features include a 5 band parametric EQ, fast Bass/Treble adjustment. Crossed and a new concept in Loudness control. Lot's of extras as it comes w/a 65 page book and a hand remote. Just bought mine and it gives a huge soundstage w/ ruler flat bass control. 
If I were trying to get to the bottom of why my system sounded too ’forward’, I would probably look at the spec sheets of my components and speakers and see if any had a bit of a bump around 5Kh.

Since depth is dependent on the timing cues reaching your ear, if the room is not acoustically treated properly, the early reflections from hard surfaces, I imagine, could confuse the ears.

How well is your room acoustically treated?

With any high end eqipment, or even entry level audiophile components and speakers, the stereo imaging shouldn’t be a problem, assuming it is a good recording.