DACs and reproduced sound

I am trying to understand how to think of DACs effecting reproduced music (I am new to the hobby). I think of a DACs "role" as taking a digital input (1s and 0s) and a cleanly as possible processing that digital signal to an analogue output - goal is not impart anything on the processed data. The difference between a good and bad DAC seems like it should be on how well it does that. Or, said another way, from a review of a Benchmark DAC:

"The old regulars know exactly my position regarding the stupidity of ascribing a “character” to the sound of an utterly neutral signal path. Oohing and aahing over the vast improvement in soundstaging, front-to-back depth, bass delineation, or treble sweetness obtainable with this or that electronic component may sell high-end magazines but is totally unscientific and delusional. What the Benchmark DAC1 HDR adds to or subtracts from its input signal is borderline unmeasurable, so the sonic character of its output is obviously the sonic character of its input. It’s as simple as that. It has no sound of its own."

I sort of think of amplifiers and speakers (I am digital only listener)as being more important in "imparting" a particular musical flavor (warm, bright, etc.).

I am a bit new to the hobby so I would like any insights or be educated on DACs some more.

Showing 1 response by newbee

I think the quoted portion of your post is vacuous. Every component in the chain processes the signal it recieves, digital or analogue. Each has an analogue output which has its own sound which is not going to be an exact copy of the input signal (If you could even describe what the input signal sounded like! I believe you can't - its just a WAG unless you happen to be in a recording studio comparing two different reproduction systems with the mic feed). The most obvious differences, not necessarily all though, are the result of the design of the analogue output stage in a DAC or CDP or whatever. IMHO of course.

BTW an 'utterly neutral signal path', a straight wire, is not 'utterly neutral', or at least so say many wire enthusiasts. :-)