DAC to pair with MA6600

Ok, guys... I'm in a state of confusion after reading countless threads and articles written by people much smarter than I.

I recently picked up an MA6600 and need a DAC to pair with it as 100% of my short term music will be digital. I may step into the vinyl game down the line, but it's digital for now. I'm planning on streaming from my imac into the DAC and can figure that out a bit later.

I love the aesthetics of the McIntosh products and I naturally gravitated towards the D100. Although it's entry level priced for their products, I'm having a difficult time justifying 2k for the aesthetic aspect of a DAC.

Does anybody have a selling point that should steer me towards or away from the D100? I won't be using the preamp, so this is exclusively a DAC decision, which has a multitude of competition.

Does this decision really come down to an aesthetic difference or is there something I'm missing? I can easily pick up a Peachtree for over a thousand less...

Just wanted to gain some thoughts from individuals that know much more than I. Oh, and please... the MA6600 isn't going anywhere, so no need to tell me to replace it with a 10k amp.


Showing 3 responses by samac

As was mentioned, listening for yourself is the best bet for finding what you like. But if we didn't give thoughts on or suggestions for gear to consider then we might as well not thave these forums I suppose.

With the Mac D100 you will be paying for aesthetics as well as the pre amp funtions. I am sure it is an excellent piece of gear and it is getting well reviewed.

If you'd lik to spend less for a dac only and under $1k I would suggest you check out the Rega Dac, Arcam irDac as well as the Peachtree you mentioned.

Congrats on the MA6600, that's one heck of an amp.Good luck with your dac search.
I have the predecessor to the irDac, the rdac, and I really enjoy it. I think the irDac will blend very well with your 6600. If the irDac behaves like my rdac it will take 75-100 hours to fully settle in so if you try one leave it on and give it a couple weeks to reach its absolute best.

I've had my rdac for about 10 months now and it has performed flawlessly and sounds great.

What speakers are you using? Thanks.


Nice! I really like the 1007Be. Great sound and a beautiful speaker as well. I think you're building an outstanding system. I hope you find the right dac for you soon.