DAC to add warmth and fullness to Linn Ikemi

Hi All,

This has been asked before, but perhaps I can get suggestions that include more recent DAC models?

The Ikemi can be absolutely superb, but I'm just curious that I might be missing out on a bit of warmth and fullness. I reckon that the Ikemi would serve as a top rate transport!

I have no experience with external DACs, so I'm wondering what I should expect the current models available up to about £1000 (I'm in the UK).

Linn Ikemi
Music First Pre (Copper)
Bel Canto S300
Lumley Lampros 100

Cardas Golden Hexlink 5C (XLR) CD - Pre
Chord Anthem (XLR) Pre - Power
Nordost Blue Heaven speaker cables

Showing 2 responses by frank115

Cheers all - very interesting. I'll check out your suggestions even if I'm not ready to buy just yet. btw, I was think more of DACs up to £1000 GBP rather than USD!

Would most of these DACs provide roughly the same level of detail as the Ikemi?
Prompted by Kops' suggestions on cables, I've changed things round a bit - Cardas now is Pre-Power, and I've changed the CD-Pre to a vdh 'The First' which has certainly tamed a bit of glare! It also seems to give a little more body to the sound, while rolling off the treble a little.

I'm not in a position to purchase new cables just yet, as I've just bought the Bel Canto, the Lumleys and the Nordost cables within the past 3 weeks (purchases made necessary as I'm moving from ATC SCM10A-2 active monitors).

Ckoffend advice sounds good to me - I really don't want to get an overly warm sound at all; really just a subtle shift to the warmer side. I'm enjoying the transparency of the sound at the moment and I'd be lothe to lose the systems strengths.