DAC suggestion for Win PC and Headphone/amp

So I am looking to setup my new headphone and dedicated amp up with my PC for listening to my music library. So the question is the right DAC to sit between the PC and my headphone amp? I am very interested in the new AQ Dragonfly - less cables, simple and portable, good enough quality to be the DAC for a computer workstation.

The amp/headphone equipment is the following:
* Bryston BHA1
* Grado PS 1000

This has nothing to do with my main setup - in a different room and really just for speaker listening.

Thanks for any feedback or recommendations to check into!

Showing 1 response by rixthetrick

Budget range on the DAC?
What DAC are you using in your main system?

Have you looked into Audio Optimizer 3.0, Fidelizer Pro 8.5 at all for your Windows?