DAC Selection

I listen to vinyl mostly, but with my recent speakers upgrade I found digital sounding quite good and have been thinking to invest in a better DAC. I use tube gear - tube preamp, SET mono blocks, etc. I am using big full range 3-way speakers, highly efficient, very dynamic, going almost flat down to 20Hz. Most of the gear I use is either DIY or highly upgraded commercial products with exotic parts. The DIY products are all built by me, either from kits or from well-known simple and good sounding schematics. Listen to all kind of music but mostly jazz and blues. 

Looking to get the best DAC I can for my system. My budget is $6K. I can try building one myself, buy a kit, or get a commercial product. Besides building one myself, three DACs have caught my eye:

  • PS Audio DirectStream DAC
  • Schiit Audio Yggdrasil 
  • Audio Note Kits DAC 5.1

I have listened to several DACs and found the Analogue Devices chips to sound more musical in my system than the newer Sabre chips. But that could be due to the DAC implementation rather than the chip itself... Never heard an FPGA DAC like the one from PS Audio. The Audio Note Kit looks great in terms of design, components, and quality, but I would never know how it sounds until I build it, so can’t really audition and return if I don’t like it like I can do with the other products on my list. 

Another idea going through my head is to try building one myself - get the cleanest regulated power, the best digital section I can find, and a high-quality analog section with the best components available. And I might end up with a very high-end DAC. But again, you invest a lot of money, not knowing what the end result would be.

Some days I wish I could not solder. With all the choices we have, it is already so difficult to make decisions, and when you add DIY in the picture you make the decision making process a lot worse. And when you open a commercial product that costs $5,000 and find parts for $450, that makes you think really hard if you spent your hard-earned money the best possible way. But let’s not go there… I am happy to spend $6K for a PS Audio DirectStream DAC if I am convinced that’s my best option. And I will certainly audition that 

Any comments, suggestions, recommendations? 


Showing 5 responses by charles1dad

"Blow away" ? I realize mlapenta that's your opinion but it comes across as stale hyperbole. I honestly doubt that the  Denafrips, AN or SW1X Audio Designs would be outperformed (or blown away)  by the Chord Qutest DAC.   Again,  just an opinion. 
AN 5.1 DAC versus an upper tier upgraded SW1X DAC is only going to be a purely subjective determination. No doubt opinions will be all over the spectrum. Each brand offers such a broad range of choices and pathways. This is clearly a situation that requires individual listening. The main distinction I recognize is that SW1X Audio Designs has a more approachable pricing structure for their upper level signature DACs that would likely compete with AN 4.1 level and above. SW1X offers a custom (specific request only) level 4 DAC. Interesting choices from both brands.
Hi John,
If you were to upgrade to an Audio Note 3.1 DAC  my guess is that you'll be thrilled. I believe that Audiogon member Jond has this model and loves it. Again I think both of these companies (AN and SWIX Audio Designs ) focus predominantly  on music reproduction and care little about measured perfection. 
The Audio Note DACs have a near universal reputation for a natural sound quality as opposed to a hifi/electronic character. Supposedly the SW1X Audio Designs is cut from very similar cloth. A direct comparison would be interesting. In terms of philosophy, design, circuit and implementation they have much in common. I suspect that both are very good in providing the crucial emotional connection while listening to music. IMO a mandatory requirement. 
Hello nenon,
The made in England SW1X Audio Designs DACs may interest you given your background and musical genre taste. It’s similar to the well regarded Audio Note DACs but with "perhaps" better part quality at a similar price point. It uses multibit chips (if that matters to you). Audiogon member wig has one and says it is genuinely sublime. I believe that any of the DACs you listed would probably satisfy you. Another possible contender is the highly touted Denafrips Terminator (comprehensive review by 6 Moons) and reviewed on Audiogon by member david_ten.
Best of luck