DAC recommendations--Auralic Vega vs Audio Alchemy DDP 1---others w/remote volume control?

I'm tired of trying to get my older but beloved integrated cdp's repaired (and having it not done right) so I'm going with a separate DAC and transport.  I'm replacing a Raysonic 228 and a Consonance Droplet 5.0.  I want to skip a preamp (although not opposed to DACs with built preamp of some sort or another) so need DAC's with a built in remote volume control.  I'd like to keep the price under $1500 used and will be going with a Space Tech transport new so I won't have to worry about the hours already racked up by a previous owner.  I'm big into detail and love pinpoint imaging.  I want to hear everything so long as the sound isn't unnatural and/or aggressive.  The Vega and the Alchemy DDP 1 sound very promising.  Has anyone heard both and can comment on differences?  Any other options I should look into at the <$1500 price point?   I'll be using the DAC with a cd transport exclusively at first so that's the only function I need to consider.  Many thanks for the input.
If your question is to me, the 228 was broken many years ago, and my system has changed many times since then. I was using matched Russian tubes
The reviews are all glowing for the AA DDP 1/PS 5.  How does the DAC compare to the sound of the Raysonic 228?  I'm using a quad of the orange globe Amperex 6DJ8's.
Wow, a fellow 228 owner. First I had a Raysonic 168 then moved up to the 228, which I loved, alas, it developed issues during warranty, but at that time Raysonic was folding their tent. After 5+ years I sold it as is for pennies on the dollar

I have Audio Alchemy DDP-1 + PS 5, which is essential to get the best the DDP-1 has to offer. They're listed on USAudioMart and Audio Asylum