DAC recommendations

Okay. So, before this becomes the typical dac battle, let me explain what I have and what I’m looking for. My system consists of an Aric Audio Custom 300b PSET amp(almost always in class A set mode), Audio Note an-e/lx speakers, Cambridge cxn v2 streamer modified by ModWright tube dac and a Topping d90 dac. I can switch back and forth to get a tube sound from the ModWright or a more “accurate” depiction of the recording through the Topping. After a few months, I think I want something in the middle. The tube dac lacks a little clarity and the Topping is very critical of poor recordings. Both have their times when they sound better but I’m seeking a middle ground. 
Here’s what I’m looking for. I would like clarity, without being analytical. But most of all, I want natural sounding! I want a piano to sound like a piano etc…Lastly, I prefer a bit more bass and less bright sounding. Does this dac exist?

Ive looked at the Denafrips Terminator 2 and would prefer not to spend $6800. Does the Venus 2 fit? Bricasti m3? Other suggestions? I have some high quality components and would like a dac to match. Thanks in advance 


So I read up more on Apple Music and it does appear that there is some processing, or lack there of, going on that essentially makes their high def files not as good. A poster here pointed it out and I followed up this morning. It’s pretty shitty of Apple to introduce their lossless format but not go the entire way. Needless to say, I will be taking the advice of all those who suggested Qobuz. My goal today is to get an appointment for the land line installation. Once that occurs, download Qobuz and the reevaluate. 

Gentlemen. Do I need the land line connection to the router to get started with Qobuz. Cambridge uses the Streamlogic app, which I currently use which is also good with Qobuz. I use Wi-Fi now. I know land will be better, but is it necessary? 

I purchased the Denafrips Venus II a few months ago, I think it checks the boxes on your list.  I have been pleased with its performance so far.  

If you can, try and listen a Lampizator DAC. You will get best of both worlds…

I use an older Lampizator Gen4 Level5 and kept it against an Aqua LaVoce.

newer Lampizator models should be way better, mine looks more like a pré production model, still it sounds so beautiful, piano sounds like a real

piano, voices are lifelike, bass is big, soundstage fill

the whole room. The only DAC I listened to that would make me trade it is a Accuphase DC 1000 but it’s 25k and out of my budget.



Gentlemen. Do I need the land line connection to the router to get started with Qobuz. 
