DAC recommendations

Okay. So, before this becomes the typical dac battle, let me explain what I have and what I’m looking for. My system consists of an Aric Audio Custom 300b PSET amp(almost always in class A set mode), Audio Note an-e/lx speakers, Cambridge cxn v2 streamer modified by ModWright tube dac and a Topping d90 dac. I can switch back and forth to get a tube sound from the ModWright or a more “accurate” depiction of the recording through the Topping. After a few months, I think I want something in the middle. The tube dac lacks a little clarity and the Topping is very critical of poor recordings. Both have their times when they sound better but I’m seeking a middle ground. 
Here’s what I’m looking for. I would like clarity, without being analytical. But most of all, I want natural sounding! I want a piano to sound like a piano etc…Lastly, I prefer a bit more bass and less bright sounding. Does this dac exist?

Ive looked at the Denafrips Terminator 2 and would prefer not to spend $6800. Does the Venus 2 fit? Bricasti m3? Other suggestions? I have some high quality components and would like a dac to match. Thanks in advance 


Showing 29 responses by earthbound

I bet those Mystique X’s sound nice. Don’t really want to spend 5k let alone 8k though. Would be nice. 

If I chose to go with the Bricasti m3 and Qobuz, would it require a land line from the router to the Bricasti? It’s a long run, 50 feet, and would require additional work. I’m trying to find the simplest quality sound solution. Less boxes, less wires etc…

My issue with the Bricasti is the streaming. I have Apple Music and it does not support it. I would have to jump over to Qobuz. Not the end of the world but not optimal. Just spoke to a dealer today regarding the m3. It does seem to check most of the boxes. I’m going to call Bricasti and see if an Air Play upgrade will be possible in the future. 

I forgot to add and I don’t think it’s a measurable quality, soundstage. It’s okay with the Topping but I’d prefer a wider, deeper soundstage with a bit more instrument separation. 👍

How is Air Play deficient? They have recently gone Lossless and stream high def files. Am I missing something? If I am, I will certainly look into changing. Thanks

Was curious about using a dongle. I do now. For Air Play with the Cambridge it limits resolution to 16/44. Not sure if that will be the same. Still sounds good but would be nice to not lose resolution. Thank you for the response. 

It’s been a long time since I’ve replaced a system, 25 years actually. I’ve forgotten how annoying it is to have to choose which “revolutionary “ options to opt for. Less wires means a dac with a built in streamer. What happens when tech changes? Or do I go Denafrips Terminator 2 with a separate streamer. More boxes but only have to change streamer as tech evolves. What if internal streamer shits the bed? Arg! I need a personal assistant to take care of all this. As well as a job that pays more! My head is spinning. 

You’re probably right. I should upgrade the stock tubes supplied with the ModWright before I jump into the next thing. I just wanted the amp to have it’s own voice so to speak without the preamp tubes adding more. Perhaps in the meantime, I will get some higher end tubes. Thanks for your input. 

Thanks for the Qobuz push gentlemen. I hate being tech lazy but I am. There’s usually a hiccup and it’s usually me! Probably time to convert. 
As far as dacs go, I probably don’t need to go that crazy but always wonder what the weak link is so I don’t want to go too cheap. I would like to get the most from what I have. I’m sure whatever I choose will suffice. I should really stop reading reviews! They are always good yet point to the next level up. 

I am seriously considering that option with the Venus 2. I’m surprised with sound comparisons just how different it sounds from the Terminator 2. Not necessarily a bad thing. Just different. I kind of like Thomas and Stereo and he uses one. It’s a bit of an endorsement. I also forgot to convert Singapore money to US, so Terminator 2 not too crazy expensive. Both good options if I choose to keep an external streamer. Would love to hear comparisons from people who have experience with both. 

Thanks Charles. I’m a renter and access to the router is limited. I will look into that though. Qobuz looks like a definite. Meant to do it the first time around and got lazy with Apple Music. 

I think I’m leaning towards having Santa deliver the Denafrips Terminator 2. In for a penny, in for a pound. I think I may keep my Cambridge streamer and order the Denafrips. I’ve just heard so many good things that I feel it will last to the final dirt nap! Not entirely sure yet but almost there. I think it’s got a lot of quality at a not so crazy price. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a lot of money. Actually, it’s my summer vacation! But, I listen to hours of music everyday and that’s a wonderful vacation everyday! Plus, if you can’t treat yourself well, who will?

A lot of good suggestions guys. Thank you. I have some homework to do after the mornings festivities. It’s crazy when you start shopping, just how many dacs and set ups are out there. 

Yes. I agree. That’s why I’m going the r2r route. Funny how I’ve learned that I prefer the analog sound more. I had AR floor speakers many years ago then went Rotel and B&W for 25 years. Now that I’m auditioning, I just like that mellower 70’s sound with a modern twist. That’s why I went with Audio Note speakers. Purchased Zu Soul Supremes first. They rock but just too much for my ears and brain. 

I’m not just looking to spend more money jjss49. My previous system lasted 25 years because I bought quality equipment. I’m looking to do the same now. I’m not a person that wants to continually tweek my system. I currently have a cheap dac and a more expensive dac and would like to improve that segment of the sound. Speakers are great and amp is wonderful. Dac I’m not thrilled with but it’s good , just not great. So I figure I can take a chance at a higher end model. I have no aversion selling something if it is not acceptable to me, Zu speakers for example. As far as front end, Cambridge got great reviews and is used as a reference for Steve from Decware whose living is based on quality sound. I will also give Qobuz a try. I wouldn’t think that high resolution Apple could be too different from high resolution Qobuz, but I will find out. 😀🙏🏻 

You are not the first person to suggest the Gaia DDC rooze. I’m not really familiar with it or it’s function. Clock related I think? Sounds like a good potential upgrade in the future after I figure the rest of this system out. 

The Holo May or Spring were the first dacs I was really interested in early on. I spoke to my amp builder and he wasn’t thrilled with the 5.8 vrms. I didn’t question why, just crossed it off the list. Under 5 and more than 2 is my range. The Holo dacs appear to be awesome options. 

So I read up more on Apple Music and it does appear that there is some processing, or lack there of, going on that essentially makes their high def files not as good. A poster here pointed it out and I followed up this morning. It’s pretty shitty of Apple to introduce their lossless format but not go the entire way. Needless to say, I will be taking the advice of all those who suggested Qobuz. My goal today is to get an appointment for the land line installation. Once that occurs, download Qobuz and the reevaluate. 

Gentlemen. Do I need the land line connection to the router to get started with Qobuz. Cambridge uses the Streamlogic app, which I currently use which is also good with Qobuz. I use Wi-Fi now. I know land will be better, but is it necessary? 

Alright. Amperex tubes ordered. Qobuz tomorrow and then a holding pattern until I evaluate sound. Thanks again for the advice and voices of reason. 👍

Thanks Soix and jjss49. Sweet. I will get Qobuz up and running tomorrow. Just got word from the landlord that we will run the line tomorrow or Wednesday. Only hiccup is he has an outdoor system running off of it, Sonos, and there’s a million wires. Not sure what’s open to use on the router. His audio guy will have to come and hook it up. At least Qobuz will be Wi-Fi’ed. Friday I will order better tubes for the dac. Still may replace Topping with the Venus 2. Not sure I need to go as speedy with the Terminator to get very good sound. There’s always better but the old diminishing returns adage is applicable here! Thanks again 

So land line in today and hooked up tomorrow. Yay! First step done. Will do Qobuz tomorrow as well. 
Anyone have any thoughts on P.S. Audio Direct Stream mk2 dac? I recently purchased a power conditioner and may trade it in. It’s a thought but there aren’t many reviews of their dacs. 

I went with Tidal since it’s supported on the Cambridge itself. Otherwise, I would have to download the app like Air Play. Not sure it makes a difference but it’s worth a try. Now I need to find where the file resolution is located to see where I’m at compared to Apple Music. Usually right under title but Tidal is different. 

Thank you vthokie83. I am real tempted with the Venus 2 or Terminator 2. Like you mentioned, the accuracy of playing the recording can be good or bad depending on the recording. Sometimes the Topping can be too revealing. I have noticed Tidal’s Master recordings seem to take that edge off of harsh recordings. But, limited to only 4 or 5 hours of listening yesterday. I’m curious to see how the tube upgrade will affect the sound. Warm and clear sounding would be optimal. The cheap tubes it came with lack clarity. I will find out tomorrow. 🙏

Well I’m off Air Play and the streamer has been significantly improved. Amperex tubes arrive tomorrow. That will allow me to play both a tube dac and an accurate Topping. I hope this will be sufficient and I won’t know until I put some quality months on each unit. At the very least, I will gain more dac experience and I can always buy a “better” one next year. 
By the way, Tidal already sounds better. I have noticed the Master level needs a bit more volume but some of the old jazz recordings sound excellent. Thanks for responding. 

Thank you USPS! An early delivery, Amperex are in and all music through Cambridge and ModWright dac. Too early to say anything of course. Just going to break in the tubes for a few weeks. 👍