DAC Recommendations

I have a large collection of DAT tapes and have been using a PS Audio Ultralink 11/HDCD as a outboard DAC and looking to upgrade. My CDP is a Mephisto 11.X but doesn't have a digital input. I am looking at the newer upsampling DAC, Benchmark, Musical Fidelity and others. Any suggestions? My price range is 1500.00 new or used. Any help is appreciated.

Showing 1 response by rooze

The Musical Fidelity A3 24 isn't bad sounding and you can pick 'em up for under $600 used. I've had one for a year and it sounds good. Try a good digital cable with the money you have left over. Some of our local audio group are using digital cables from Ridge Street with good results.
If you must spend more on a DAC, then the Audio Note seems like a good recommendation.
