DAC recommendation in 5 to 10K range

I recently get to the point that I want to try a new DAC in $5 to $10K range and would like to know if there are recommendations I should try and audition.


My current DAC is a Denafrips Terminator, to me, Terminator is an overall fun DAC that provide good clarity, energy, and scale. It has strong macrodynamic focus with good impact and punch, as well as solid resolving power and texture, but I feel drawback is lacking micro dynamic capability, tonality is not organic, neither is presentation, treble is not that refined, and can sometimes get too hot and gritty. What I hope in my next DAC is a balanced DAC that lean a bit more toward the relaxed and slightly sweeter smoother side of things, great organicness, great placement accuracy and depth in overall stage, great coherency and liquidity, as well as having great impact and punch.


Showing 2 responses by soix

Given what you’re looking for I’d take a serious look at a Mojo Mystique DAC. It’s also an R2R DAC but possibly with a more organic kinda sound you might really like. Here’s a relatively recent review of one of their most recent models, but you can read others on past models to get a better idea of the overall sound characteristics of these DACs.


Audio Note may be another make that might appeal to you as well.  Of course there are tube DACs too that probably lean more your way, but not sure if you’re open to going that direction.  My bias is to use tubes further down the chain if desired, but that’s just me.  Just another couple options FWIW, and best of luck.

There’s a Mojo Audio Mystique V3 that rarely comes up for sale on USAM now that does everything you’ve said you’re looking for. Read the seller’s comments and reviews as this could potentially save you thousands of $$$ and provide you with exactly what you’re looking for…


And if for some reason it doesn’t blow you away you can turn around and sell it for likely little/no loss.  FWIW.