DAC Question: Delta-Sigma vs R2R

I have a general question, I am looking to buy my first standalone DAC, right now I have an Azur 851N, which is a streamer/DAC. As I look I continue to see discussions on Delta-Sigma vs R2R DACs.

I am in no way an audio expert nor do I have a good understanding of electronics.

In Laymen terms, Could anybody explain what is the difference between the 2 technologies?



Showing 1 response by rbstehno

I went with a FPGA dac for many reasons:

* it’s software based so you aren’t locked in with todays technology. Try adding MQA support to a dac that didn’t come with it from day 1, it’s almost impossible.

* the designer/software writer of the dac can update the software of the dac that can give you better sq with every release.

The  hardware technology of the dac does make a difference since I only use Ethernet or i2s inputs, the only inputs that sound any good