DAC Question: Delta-Sigma vs R2R

I have a general question, I am looking to buy my first standalone DAC, right now I have an Azur 851N, which is a streamer/DAC. As I look I continue to see discussions on Delta-Sigma vs R2R DACs.

I am in no way an audio expert nor do I have a good understanding of electronics.

In Laymen terms, Could anybody explain what is the difference between the 2 technologies?



Showing 1 response by grinnell

I have tinnitus and some things just dont sound good-John Prine unfortunately can sound bad on vinyl for example.

I bought an MHDT Stockholm DAC  tube, RtR, NOS and the sound was much more euphoniic and pleasing compared to the sound out of my Emotiva CDP, doesnt sound fatiguing  or set off my tinnitus.

