DAC Portability/Durability

Wondering if anyone here has used a non-headphone-amp DAC as a portable device to be switched in and out of multiple sound systems frequently.  I’m looking at trying to acquire something like a Chord Qutest/Denafrips Ares or Pontus/Topping D90 variant next year for my main system and would like to use the same DAC out in the workshop system instead of springing for a 2nd DAC, at least for awhile.  Do these type devices stand up to this sort of use on a daily basis?  

Thanks in advance…


Showing 2 responses by ghdprentice



Funny you should mention a Ayre QB-9… I have one in my headphone system, upgraded to the 2020… “Twenty” version. 

It is probably more a question of your personality. I use a high end DAC in my headphone system. I am sure the DAC can stand the wear and tear of being moved. My main system is 30’ from my headphone system (see my systems under my UserID) but I have two high end DACs, one for each. But, that is me. I am really lazy.

I’m pretty sure the equipment will be fine… and using the highest quality components will definitely enhance your experience in each system.