DAC or Upgraded Analogue in SACD units?

I have read that upgrading the analoge section of SACD units delivers the equivalent of using a stand alone DAC wiht the same unit.

What is the truth?

What is the cost?

Which have you done?


Bill E.
onhwy61: I cannot understand logic of people who upgrade only part of front end i.e. CD via extrenal DAC vs entire front end SACD+CD together. If I to put my limited resources I would go 2nd way, which I did (mod by Stan Warren for $250 plus fantastic filter "triphazer" plus few more thing BUT for both). Other think, not every one has $3.8k for hi-prices Red Book DAC's, If I would have them I would put to better front end (today, Marantz, SA-1 which seems to me is somewhat better then SCD-1 in SACD mode and substantially better in CD mod - at least according to posts). Again you don't have to mod and void warranty if you don't wish to do it but there are many ways to improve the system sound.
I don't view onhwy61's post as contrarian, since the warranty and resale issues need to be considered carefully, and any decision to mod equipment requires a certain comfort level. So you've raised an important point. In my case, the 777 is a long-term purchase that will likely wind up in my secondary system some years hence. Beyond that, the decision to do strictly a parts upgrade rather than a circuit mod simplifies the task of a qualified tech with access to a Sony tech manual in the event that something goes haywire. But you're right: having a unit like this modded in any fashion is _not_ for the faint of heart.
A used or new 777 is way over $2000 now, plus mod is way over 2500 and the lose of warranty! u do the math. Better get a SCD-1, isn't it?

SCD-1 can offer a first class redbook CD sound already but could be "better" in really subtle way, which some people may say "different"

I heard people say SCD-1's Redbook sound can match AR CD2.
Just to throw yet another option at you. Ric Schultz at Electronic Visionary Systems(www.tweakaudio.com) is completing a total overhaul of the Sony DVP9000 DVD/SACD player. You can go to his website for details, but this mod goes far far beyond inserting higher quality parts and reworks the entire output stage and more. What's more, I think this whole thing costs less than $2k, and there's a 30-day money-back guarantee so there's no risk for trying.

As for advantages of doing it this way, obviously you avoid a whole other set of connections and a cable in not having to use an outboard DAC. Best of luck.

Hi Melhsu,

I picked up a Sony SCD-1 yesterday. It's very nice, but, simply doesn't have spaciosness and separation of the Resolution Audio 55 I usually play redbook cds on. I understand that it will improve and frankly, I'm banking on it. But, as of day two, it needs fixing.

I wonder if it's necessary to have the amp and pre-amp running while the SCD-1 is playing in order to get the "full benefits of breakin?"

I'd appreciate feedback.

Thanks all.

Bill E.