DAC Opamp Upgrade

I'm considering upgrading the Opamps in my MusicHall 25.3 DAC. Burson Media from Australia seems to make a good fit. Anyone has any experience doing this and what was the outcome ? I have replaced the original tube with a 1965 Mullard 6922 and I feel that was an improvement. 

Showing 3 responses by zipiv


Thank you very much for your all your info. In my continued research I had also come across Sparko's and they certainly got my attention. Upon reading about your impression that too much Class A along the line might get things too warm I got a little concerned. I have a Cary SLP 98 preamp and 2 TAD 1000's ( Class A up to 10 watts then AB ) using a quad of KT 88's each. My speakers are Vienna Acoustic Strauss. Having said and based on my current sound I feel I have plenty of warmth and tubey action going on. I  have emailed with Burson and Sparko's and I can try either product 30 days for a full refund so thats great. I also ordered 2 XLR to RCA adapters that will be arriving today so I can play some with the outputs. The obvious question arises though...when do you stop dumping money into what I see as a low to mid hifi component ?. Here on A-gon there is a Cary DAC 100t going for $875 which to me seems like a good deal. However who doesn't love a good bout of tinkertitis. Which DAC(s) did you use for your opamp rolling if I may ask ?

Thanks again.
I will be trying this for sure. Traveling at the moment but will give it a go when I get home and report back with my findings.
Hey Auxinput 

Pardon my tardiness. I have and not to my surprise decided to keep the OpAmps. I feel I gained so much more soundstage up and to both sides. I have also spent a couple of bucks on treating my room. Curtains and DIY panels. I would almost go as far as saying as I feel I have a new system. Thanks for your input.