DAC module of a high-end integrated amplifier

I’m not planning to buy a high-end integrated anytime soon, as they are way out of my budget, but I’m still curious how their DAC sections compare to similar or even lower priced DACs.

Let’s take DAC modules from Gryphon Diablo 120/300, Soulution 330 and Vitus Audio SIA-030. They all cost above 4,000 dollars. Are they actually that good and can compete on sound quality with similar priced DACs, or because they charge 20,000 to 40,000 dollars for the integrated, they can’t charge "only" 1,000 or 2,000 dollars for its DAC module, as the buyer will most certainly think that at this price it can’t be worthy of the rest of the system?

My personal opinion, which is not based on experience, as I’ve never heard or compared those DAC modules (I’m using Chord Qutest with Teddy Pardo power supply), is that because these amplifiers are way overpriced to begin with (please, let’s not get into discussion that it might be only overpriced in my eyes - no amplifier actually costs that much to produce!), so the manufacturer has to price DAC modules accordingly, so as not to make them appear cheap in the eyes of buyers of those amplifiers.

Showing 1 response by lalitk

“still hoping for someone with IQ above 80 to reply (who actually understood what i was asking)”

If you had the IQ of 80 and above, you wouldn’t have come here to satisfy your curiosity for electronics you can’t afford to buy. It’s quite obvious that you lack the basic research skills to study and compare what went into the implementation of these individual DAC modules and the integrated housing these modules.

All of these brands has superb pedigree of high fidelity sound and build quality. You will gain a much better understanding and deep appreciation of their designer’s philosophy once you had an opportunity to audition (even one of them) with speakers that are just as impressive as these integrated.

Do you know who said, “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts”?

From here on whatever you do, please do not follow the footsteps of @emergingsoul :-)